Breadcrumb, is the global leader in Location Based Services (LBS). They specialize in providing locating solutions for Corporations, Family Members and Vehicle applications that allow you to locate, contact and protect what’s important to you. Breadcrumb came to us with a request to design their whole brand from start to finish. A total branding campaign was developed using a hi tech computer GPS look to the material. This look was reflected in all their communication pieces, Lobby decor, Web, Print, Direct Mail and all their printed pieces.

The Automotive Hall of Fame needed an invitation to their annual inductee ceremony. Instead of a traditional invitation, a poster was designed to highlight the new inductees. The poster was designed to highlight their accomplishments, and provide a graphic reference to the event. The front side of the poster carried the invitation to the event. The piece was folded and mailed. In addition, the poster on the back side was printed in extra quantities and sold in the lobby gift shop.
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Shark Bite Abrasives needed a printed piece for brochures, displays and direct mail to highlight their products in the Automotive and Wood Finishing sectors.

The Grosse Pointe Chamber of Commerce needed a brochure to highlight the quest to help inspire people to get fit by exercising, eating well and enjoying life in the Pointes. A campaign was created to highlight “Live Well in Grosse Pointe.”

Airfoil PR is a mid-size Public Relations firm and one of the fastest growing firms in the Midwest, with national accounts that include Microsoft, Ebay and Starbucks.
Winner of the 2008 Technology Agency of the Year, Airfoil wanted to freshen their image and create a new look. A total new identity was established, including a new logo. All internal communication devices like Power Point, Word Documents, web and presentation packages were redesigned to highlight their new look. A series of magazine ads were also created to tell their unique story.

In partners with the Detroit Heritage Area, the MotorCities National Heritage Area needed an informative map for people enjoying the newly designed Detroit River Walk area. This area, over two miles of paths, has been designed to highlight the river and its historic surrounding area.
MotorCities National Heritage Area wanted to capitalize on this new tourist attraction in Detroit by highlighting the areas that were a part of the city’s robust automotive heritage. The map was designed to inform, entertain, and guide visitors through this rich historical area.
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Kimball Engineering, one of the country’s largest engineering firms, was looking for a way to capitalize on the incoming administration’s plans for “Rebuilding America”. They hoped with the emphasis being put on the rebuilding of the national infrastructure in the country, their expertise in government, schools, hospitals and security could grow. A new logo was developed to symbolize these efforts, and this design was used on all their communications, ranging from print, web, posters, and direct mail.

NARSAD is the world’s leading charity dedicated to Mental Health Research. NARSAD supports scientific research to find better treatments and ultimately prevent severe mental illness. As part of The Detroit News’ “Partnership for Humanity”, a newspaper contest that partners agencies together with lesser known charities, OPTIMideas created this ad to boost awareness of their presence and mission. The ad won national recognition placing in the top three ads produced for non-profits and was also recognized at the National NARSAD convention in NYC as one of their top advertisements of the year.

August 2008 marked the 100th Anniversary of the Model T and Ford Motor Company had scheduled many celebrations marking this historic event. To assist people in the celebration and to help them find the historic areas in town, Ford needed a device that would inform and direct visitors to the many celebration and recognition areas. A folded “Zip” map was designed that highlighted the key events. The map provided a brief history of the Model T and the back-side featured a detailed map of the area that showed the location of some of the events being celebrated.
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