St. Joseph Mercy Oakland
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital of Oakland completed a major fund raising event that helped renovate most of the critical care areas, receiving major funding from individual donors. A series of recognition plaques and lobby lettering was created to recognize these generous donors.

The University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
The University of Detroit Mercy Law School had just completed a major fund raising plan that helped make possible the renovation of the school major campus building. A donor recognition plan was designed to recognize all levels of donors, including separate areas in the building for major contributions.

St. Joseph Mercy Brighton
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital of Brighton needed a freshening of their display in their lobby. A design was done that used existing Marble and repurpose it for new verbiage. The result was a dramatic Donor Recognition Display that highlights 10 different category levels of giving. To compliment this display a series of individual plaques recognizing individual donors for their gifts of selected rooms in the facility.

The Country Club of Detroit
The Country Club of Detroit, located in Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan, recently completed a major restoration of their Golf Course. Noted course designer Tom Doak, was asked to restore the golf course back to its original design that was done by Henry Colt. In doing this major course restoration many of the trees were moved, or removed.
The Club wanted to recognize the many members who have donated trees to the Golf Course over the past fifty years. Some of these trees, in time had been removed, and some were not needed in the newly lengthened championship redesign.
A Donor Recognition Plaque was created that recognized and celebrated their generous efforts over the past fifty years to help beautify the Golf Course. Over 650 names were recognized and used to create this large solid wood recognition display.

St. John Health System VanElslander Cancer Center
The Van Elslander Cancer Center, located in the St. John Hospital complex, provides patients seeking treatment as they journey down the troubling path of cancer treatment. The Center provides a variety of treatments and has a great track record in helping people get back to their normal lives.
The Center was looking for a way to inspire and give these many patients a uplifting feeling and to highlight the hope in their treatment.
There is an old Chinese proverb that says that a 1000 Cranes will bring you hope and peace. To illustrate that proverb I had 1000 hand folded Cranes constructed out of colorful paper and strung together inside a large box frame. These Cranes were folded by a group of teenagers whose lives were touched by my wife, including my three sons.
This display hangs proudly in their lobby extending the hope that the Cranes bring to the patients who visit the Cancer Center.
My wife was one of their patients and I created this display in her memory.

St. Joseph Mercy Brighton
St. Joseph Mercy Health System needed a donor recognition wall for their Saline facility. This was created a challenge in that it had to incorporate a large list of multi fund raising activities form the past. With over 50 years in the community, there had been three major fund raising drives that needed to be recognized. A background of wood was engraved to identify the original hundreds of donors from its start. The multi layered panels on top range form other wood pieces to marble depending on the giving level.

The University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
The University of Detroit School of Law needed an annual list of Donors to the school. The list varied year to year but contained a large number of people. A large plaque was designed that is updated every year.

The Grosse Pointe Academy
The Grosse Pointe Academy, a private school, relies on donor contributions to provide the quality education that people go there for. Every year they hold a major fund raiser where a large amount of money is raised for the children and their education. At the end of the event a final donation rally is held. This plaque was designed to identify these generous people, who in most cases, have already participated in donating money earlier during auction and other fund raising activities. The final drive is collected and this plaque reflects their generosity.

St. John Health Foundation
St. John Health System needed a proper recognition display for the recent gift by a Donor. The project included a recognition signage area over the entrance to the area and a Donor Plaque that would hang in the lobby and in the surgical area. An additional plaque was done that was smaller that was given to the donor.

WRCJ FM is a public supported classical and jazz radio station that broadcasts from the Detroit School of Performing Arts. The station receives no funds from the State or the City. For this reason their listeners are very important to their survival. Every year their key donors are recognized in a plaque in the lobby of the station.